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Appartenance & droits

V 1 The Constitution of the United States of America : a contextual analysis. 2 ed.


Hart Publishing


XIX-282 p.


OGDC 135/2

droit constitutionnel ; Constitution ; Etats-Unis

Présentation de l'éditeur : "This is the second edition of Professor Tushnet's short critical introduction to the history and current meaning of the United States' Constitution. It is organised around wo themes: first, the US Constitution is old, short, and difficult to amend. Second, the Constitution creates a structure of political opportunities that allows political actors, icluding political parties, to pursue the preferred policy goals even to the point of altering the very structure of politics. Deploying these themes to examine the structure f the national government, federalism, judicial review, and individual rights, the book provides basic information about, and deeper insights into, the way he US constitutional system has developed and what it means today."

URL : https://www.sudoc.fr/188352368

Lieu d'édition : Oxford ; London ; New-York

Langue : Anglais

Pays, zone géographique : Royaume-Uni ; Etats-Unis

Collection : Constitutional systems of the world

Localisation : Centre de Droit et de Politique Comparés

Type de document : Manuel

Niveau d'autorisation : Public


Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
Cote Code barre Commentaire
1 OGDC 135/2 [non empruntable]

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