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V 1 The Oxford handbook of the law of the sea

ROTHWELL Donald R. (Éditeur scientifique) ; OUDE ELFERINK Alexander Gerard (Éditeur scientifique) ; SCOTT Karen N. (Éditeur scientifique) ; STEPHENS Tim (Éditeur scientifique)

Oxford university press

LXX-997 p.



droit de la mer ; Droit maritime

Présentation de l'éditeur : "Human activities have taken place in the world's oceans and seas for most of human history. With such a vast number of ways in which the oceans can be used for trade, exploited for natural resources and fishing, as well as concerns over maritime security, the legal systems regulating the rights and responsibilities of nations in their use of the world's oceans have long been a crucial part of international law. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea comprehensively defined the parameters of the law of the sea in 1982, and since the Convention was concluded it has seen considerable development. This Oxford Handbook provides a comprehensive and original analysis of its current debates and controversies, both theoretical and practical. Written by over forty expert and interdisciplinary contributors, the Handbook sets out how the law of the sea has developed, and the challenges it is currently facing."

URL : https://www.sudoc.fr/185581145

Lieu d'édition : Oxford

Langue : Anglais

Pays, zone géographique : Etats-Unis

Localisation : Centre de Droit et de Politique Comparés

Type de document : Manuel

Niveau d'autorisation : Public


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Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
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1 DI PUB 33 [disponible] YRéserver

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