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Appartenance & droits

V 1 Legal conversations between Italy and Brazil

BELLANTUONO Guiseppe (Éditeur scientifique) ; LARA Fabiano (Éditeur scientifique)

Editoriale Scientifica


x-229 p.



droit comparé ; Italie ; Brésil ; corruption ; théorie-philosophie du droit ; droit de la consommation ; internet ; développement

Présentation de l'éditeur : "The essays collected in this volume were presented at the Italy-Brazil Law Seminars held at the University of Trento, Faculty of Law, in December 2017. They reflect a long-term collaboration between the University of Trento and the Federal University of Minas Gerais in Belo Horizonte. The topics covered include anticorruption law, legal theory, consumer law, Internet law, the law of indigenous people, law and development. In each chapter, the authors try not only to provide an informed analysis of legal problems, but also to reflect on how they are defined in each legal system and whether current legal methodologies are fit for their purposes. The volume could be of interest to comparative legal scholars and policymakers in both Europe and Brazil."

Lieu d'édition : Napoli

Langue : Anglais ; Italien ; Portugais

Pays, zone géographique : Italie

Collection : Quaderni della Facoltà di giurisprudenza dell'Università degli studi di Trento

N° de collection : 35

Localisation : Centre de Droit et de Politique Comparés

Type de document : Ouvrage collectif

Niveau d'autorisation : Public


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Nbre d'exemplaires : 1
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