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Documents  Hart Publishing | enregistrements trouvés : 7


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- XXXVIII-431 p.
Cote : DIR COST 1126

Présentation de l'éditeur :
In 2007 the International Association of Constitutional Law established an Interest Group on 'The Use of Foreign Precedents by Constitutional Judges' to conduct a survey of the use of foreign precedents by Supreme and Constitutional Courts in deciding constitutional cases. Its purpose was to determine - through empirical analysis employing both quantitative and qualitative indicators - the extent to which foreign case law is cited. The survey aimed to test the reliability of studies describing and reporting instances of transjudicial communication between Courts. The research also provides useful insights into the extent to which a progressive constitutional convergence may be taking place between common law and civil law traditions. The present work includes studies by scholars from African, American, Asian, European, Latin American and Oceania countries, representing jurisdictions belonging to both common law and civil law traditions, and countries employing both centralised and decentralised systems of judicial review. The results, published here for the first time, give us the best evidence yet of the existence and limits of a transnational constitutional communication between courts.
Présentation de l'éditeur :
In 2007 the International Association of Constitutional Law established an Interest Group on 'The Use of Foreign Precedents by Constitutional Judges' to conduct a survey of the use of foreign precedents by Supreme and Constitutional Courts in deciding constitutional cases. Its purpose was to determine - through empirical analysis employing both quantitative and qualitative indicators - the extent to which foreign ...

droit constitutionnel comparé ; juge constitutionnel ; Droit - interprétation

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- IX-276 p.
Cote : DIR COST 1243

Présenatation de l'éditeur : "Oversight of executives has always been a key function of parliaments and one which is central to developing the relationship between the executive and legislative branches of government. However, in reality governments are taking a more pronounced role in controlling legislation, diluting the influence of parliament. This book plots this trend in parliaments across Europe, to illustrate points of convergence and divergence. In so doing, it suggest tools and methods that parliaments can develop to bolster their crucial oversight role"
Présenatation de l'éditeur : "Oversight of executives has always been a key function of parliaments and one which is central to developing the relationship between the executive and legislative branches of government. However, in reality governments are taking a more pronounced role in controlling legislation, diluting the influence of parliament. This book plots this trend in parliaments across Europe, to illustrate points of convergence and ...

contrôle parlementaire ; Europe

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- XXVIII-265 p.
Cote : OGDC 135/1

Présentation de l'éditeur : "The first edition of this text quickly established itself as the classic introduction to the Canadian constitution. Setting it in its historical context, noting especially the complex interaction of national and regional societies, it shows how the constitution continues to morph and shape itself. These changes are explored through key constitutional themes: democracy; parliamentarism; the rule of law; federalism; human rights; and Indigenous rights, and describes the country that has resulted from the interplay of these themes. Clarity of expression and explanation, which never veers into simplicity, combined with the author's expertise, makes this the ideal starting point for the student or comparative lawyer keen to gain a strong understanding of how Canadian democracy and government works."
Présentation de l'éditeur : "The first edition of this text quickly established itself as the classic introduction to the Canadian constitution. Setting it in its historical context, noting especially the complex interaction of national and regional societies, it shows how the constitution continues to morph and shape itself. These changes are explored through key constitutional themes: democracy; parliamentarism; the rule of law; federalism; ...

droit constitutionnel ; Constitution ; Canada

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- XIX-282 p.
Cote : OGDC 135/2

Présentation de l'éditeur : "This is the second edition of Professor Tushnet's short critical introduction to the history and current meaning of the United States' Constitution. It is organised around wo themes: first, the US Constitution is old, short, and difficult to amend. Second, the Constitution creates a structure of political opportunities that allows political actors, icluding political parties, to pursue the preferred policy goals even to the point of altering the very structure of politics. Deploying these themes to examine the structure f the national government, federalism, judicial review, and individual rights, the book provides basic information about, and deeper insights into, the way he US constitutional system has developed and what it means today."
Présentation de l'éditeur : "This is the second edition of Professor Tushnet's short critical introduction to the history and current meaning of the United States' Constitution. It is organised around wo themes: first, the US Constitution is old, short, and difficult to amend. Second, the Constitution creates a structure of political opportunities that allows political actors, icluding political parties, to pursue the preferred policy goals even ...

droit constitutionnel ; Constitution ; Etats-Unis

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- XX-269 p.
Cote : OGDC 135/3

Présentation de l'éditeur : "The centerpiece of this work is France's Constitution of 1958, portrayed by the author as an innovative hybrid construct whose arrival brought the constitutional stability that had eluded France for centuries. However, the creation of the 1958 Constitution was not an isolated act. It represents part of an evolutionary process which continues to this day. Even though it is codified, the Constitution of the Fifth Republic has evolved so markedly that commentators have dubbed the present institutional balance the "Sixth Republic." It is this dynamic of the Constitution which is examined in this book. At the same time, the book shows how the French Constitution has not developed in isolation, but reflects to some extent the global movement of ideas - ideas which sometimes challenge the very foundations of the 1958 Constitution."
Présentation de l'éditeur : "The centerpiece of this work is France's Constitution of 1958, portrayed by the author as an innovative hybrid construct whose arrival brought the constitutional stability that had eluded France for centuries. However, the creation of the 1958 Constitution was not an isolated act. It represents part of an evolutionary process which continues to this day. Even though it is codified, the Constitution of the Fifth ...

droit constitutionnel ; Constitution ; France

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Cote : OGDC 140

Présentation de l'éditeur : "An introduction to the Italian Constitution, which entered into force on 1 January 1948. It examines whether it has successfully managed the political and legal challenges that have occurred since its inception, and fulfilled the three main functions of a Constitution: maintaining a community, protecting the fundamental rights of citizens and ensuring the separation of powers."

Constitution ; histoire-science politique ; politique et gouvernement ; droit constitutionnel

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