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- X-249 p.
Cote : DIR COST 1513
Présentation de l'éditeur : "A critical and historical study of English legal restraints on artistic liberty ; When art is misunderstood: obscene and blasphemous libel in 2000 ; The uncultured god: the triumph of blasphemy law over art (2000) ; Postmodern art: a reflection on western legal paradigms in 2000 ; Obscenity law and creative writer: the case of DH Lawrence ; The decline of obscenity law: a 2007 perspective ; The end of blasphemy law: a 2008 perspective ; Incitement to religious hatred and its effects on free speech ; The contemporary rights of artists in England, France and the USA (2013) ; Artistic liberty and the European court of human rights ; Controversial art and the legal enforcement of morality in England ; The culture problematic in European union law: a 2002 perspective ; EU law and culture: an holistic overview (2004)."
Présentation de l'éditeur : "A critical and historical study of English legal restraints on artistic liberty ; When art is misunderstood: obscene and blasphemous libel in 2000 ; The uncultured god: the triumph of blasphemy law over art (2000) ; Postmodern art: a reflection on western legal paradigms in 2000 ; Obscenity law and creative writer: the case of DH Lawrence ; The decline of obscenity law: a 2007 perspective ; The end of blasphemy law: ...
liberté d'expression ; Moralité et droit ; censure ; art
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